South Florida 2021 wrap up- Treasure Coast (Palm Beach, Martin and St Lucie Co)

Started by Jimmies and Sooks, January 27, 2022, 09:38:37 AM

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Jimmies and Sooks

South Florida- Treasure Coast crabbing report for 2021... I wasn't able to get out as much as in 2020 and I was off to a slow start early on but it has been a strong close to the year. November and December were great months! During the summertime the warmer waters seem to make the crabs less active. In any case it has been a good year... Not great, but good. I always came home with at least a dozen, but I have caught upwards of 40 here in December. I typically run full-size crabpots but I also took the topless traps out a couple times this year and had some success. It was weird though, sometimes the topless traps caught great and other times not so much, either way they are more fun than the crabpots. This year I crabbed the north and south fork of the St Lucie river and I also go out on the northern forks of the Loxahatchee river. Loxahatchee is always crowded with traps where the St Lucie doesn't seem to be as busy with competition. Although I see a few traps on the South fork of the St Lucie right now. Crabs are biting still but we'll see how it goes after the cold weather comes through this weekend. I plan to try other areas this year and check out new waterways. Maybe go south towards Fort Lauderdale or go north and try the Indian river area. Hoping for another good year in 2022. We are off to a very hot start this year!!!
I love this stuff! Here are a couple videos I put out from 2021 crabbing trips check them out if you love crabbing as much as me. lol. Enjoy!

Running my TOPLESS TRAPS- 

Running my CRABPOTS- 

-Jimmies and Sooks-


Thanks for the report and videos! Wish they were running as well up here!
Retired in paradise!


Love your Youtube channel. You literally inspired me to run traps off my gheenoe. I noticed you made topless traps, where did you get your materials? Having a hard time finding the hydraulic tubing to crimp together the 9 gauge wire.