First of the Season

Started by Bdc, September 13, 2006, 01:25:02 PM

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I get my casings at our local Italian market in Hammonton (Bagliani's). However, we don't use casings anymore. We bought a patty maker that hooks right on to the grinder and forms into patties. Could do about 20 a minute when you get good. Got it from cabela's as well. So worth it!! The smoker thing will work. I only know that b/c my cousin did the same thing you are talking about...freezer to smoker!!! I wouldn't be able to coach you on that one. If you need an Italian sausage recipe..let me know.

Let me know how you make out.
Little Orca


Thank`s Scott for the reply,still got an MTY freezer, well excpt for the tuna in her.Would love any recipes you have used.Saw the pattie maker the gears turning.  [email protected]       Thank`s.
Don`t dry your hand`s on the cat.Seemed like a good idea at the time!


Hey Fellow Hunters,
Just an update... I'm still stuck on one early doe. Haven't been seeing any deer. However this recent colder snap of weather is starting to kick things into gear. Seeing some fresh scrapes around my tree stands...I think I'm hunting 5 days this week....daylight savings starts this my time will be limited starting next week. My brother got on the board and so did dad. His first time shooting at a deer since he had a stroke and heart attack last summer. Tell me he wasn't pumped. My brother and I tracked that into the thickest swamp like two beagles...and found it!! We are all 1 for 1...100 shooting %...That's never :rifle: My buddy, in his first year of bow hunting, killed an 8 and a 6 in a three day span. Private property w/ apple fields flanking the property...really nice spot. The 6 he killed...I was supposed to be sitting in that stand that night....I was too busy sitting in the state woods seeing noithing. Ah, that's the way it works right??? Anyhow, how is everyone else doing?? Just wanted to keep in touch and give you guys the update. Reelquick, how did you make out w/ your smoker and the sausage making????
good Luck
Little Orca