First crabs of the year

Started by NJ Grasshopper, April 30, 2003, 10:58:35 PM

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NJ Grasshopper

I put two 'pots' out Sunday Evening.

Checked them Tuesday Evening.

Couldn't find one ....... (hope it's just too high of a tide and I'll see it at next low tide visit. I would hate to think I had one stolen so soon in the year).

The other had:  Two medium White Perch, One small Catfish, and Four S M A L L crabs!!!  ;D   Threw them back .... but it was great to seem them in the trap when I pulled it up.

I rebaited the one and will check again tomorrow.

Crabbin time is here again!!

eelfisher least you caught something 8)

i've had my pot set for a couple days, not a single crab. been catchin small ones in my eel pots, though.

cant wait to see that first keeper!!!!!!


 just got done pickin my first batch of crabs this year!!! ;D  saw a comm. crabber at the boat ramp unloadin his catch,sold me a half bushel for 10 bucks!! nice crabs. he had at least 40 bushels!!!  :o

on the hook

Hey Eel, any size? Have heard that the first few catches are usually pretty good. What launch? Have gotten them myself off comm. guys at Beesely's Pt. Haven't seen any pots in the bay. Most say till water temps are 55 they don't pot.
I'm niether proud nor embarrassed, I'm a man....Sometimes I sh!t my pants.....It's part of the deal.


 thats exactly where i got them, val. they have pots all over the bay. as a matter of fact, i was going over the parkway bridge today and looked down at the boat ramp and saw another comm. guy loadin his boat with pots.
the guy i got mine off of said all their catchin now was she crabs, and the jimmies should be another couple weeks.
btw, you shoulda seen all the boats in the bay, you know...openin day of flounder season. wish i was out there. i'm takin off work mon. and wettin a line with fshlot. wish us luck!! ;D



oh, yeah, to answer your first question....nice size crabs. not monsters, couple barely legal thrown in, but most were pretty decent. only had one that didnt have much meat in it, all the rest were pretty meaty.

on the hook

Boy, do I wish I was you! However, I do have fresh flounder, that is cooking as I type! Care to trade? I used to fish there quite a bit, but have found the Delaware Bay, and it doesn't compare. You do have some runs there that are killers though. Just have to be there when its time.
I'm niether proud nor embarrassed, I'm a man....Sometimes I sh!t my pants.....It's part of the deal.


 sounds like you had some luck with those flatties, val. any size to em? hopefully i'll have mine tomorrow.

had some crab meat sandwiches today ;D cant get enough of it!!!

Linda P.

Just one:, one fresh claw snappin' crab, hanging on a chicken  neck, (heaven).   We used to catch Delaware Bay crabs, handlined in a lot of spots, then got a boat and headed for the Wye.   No comparison in the crabs.   If we get out at least 6 or 7 times that good enough.  Usually catch about 2 dozen or so, which is enough for us.   Shouldn't take more than you can eat, I think the "take as much as you can" theory is just plain greedy.  Maybe that's why the crabs are having a hard time replenishing themselves.   Females should be left alone for awhile as well.   :'(