My interpretation of NC Crabbing Rules.

Started by IveGotTheBlues, September 07, 2010, 08:26:38 AM

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The rules for "Chicken Necking" for BLUE CRABS in NC seem to be elusive.  Here is my understanding.  Please!  Will someone let me know if this is correct?

1.  Chicken Necking for Blue Crabs in the Coastal Waters does NOT require a license.
2.  Chicken Necking for Blue Crabs in INLAND waters DOES require a license (which makes no sense to me because I thought Blue Crabs only live in salt or brackish water, which I think would all be considered coastal water).
3.  Male Blue Crabs must be 5 inches or greater.
4.  There is NO maximum size limit on MALE Blue Crabs.
5.  MATURE Female Blue Crabs (Sooks) do NOT have a minimum size limit.
6.  From May thru August, there is NO maximum size limit on MATURE Female Blue Crabs (Sooks).
7.  From September thru April, MATURE Female Blue Crabs (Sooks) must be less than 6.75 inches.
8.  Sponge crabs (Females with eggs) must ALWAYS be thrown back.
9.  Immature Female Blue Crabs (Sallys) must ALWAYS be thrown back.

Please, will someone with knowledge verify my understanding, or tell me where I'm wrong?


To clear things a bit"
Coastal = ocean, sound, salt water rivers etc.
Inland = Ponds, lakes fresh water rivers
I buy the Unified and RCG (Rec Comm Gear) covers me for hunting, fresh and salt water fishing with 5 pots, cast net, gill net etc.

As for chicken necking or trot lineing, your best to call or ask for clarification. I read it once but can't find it for clarification, it's in the rules.
Most people down here don't do either, there are so many crabs, 3 or 4 pots will almost fill a bushel basket of keepers. (I toss most females of any size and only keep over 5/12 or 6", 5" is too small and a waste of time to eat)
Blue Crab (M)    5" Carapace Width (Minimum)
6 3/4" Carapace Width (Maximum) (G)    50 crabs/day not to exceed 100 crabs/vessel/day
(G) Mature female crabs are exempt from minimum size. Maximum size is effective September through April and applies to mature females only.
(M) One crab pot may be used from private property or private pier, without a license – Reference 15A NCAC 3J .0302.

You can get good info here but call or visit them for clarification.


Hey wait I can take my pots down to crab with?
I did not know that.
How much is a Rec com gear license?

What are regs for the pots?

I WILL get my boat out next year!


I WILL get my boat out next year!


Quote from: bluecrab on September 09, 2010, 10:10:14 AM
Hey wait I can take my pots down to crab with?
I did not know that.
How much is a Rec com gear license?

What are regs for the pots?


Call the DNR in the area you are going to. I took my traps down and let a Dnr in Topsail check them out and I was fine. The Pots they are talking about are the large ones ( like we are allowed to use on private docks around here )

Like I said call them or let a DNR officer in the area you will be in check them out. I felt much better going out on the pier that week knowing my gear was legit! I on the other hand did not know you could keep females during those months! I caught some big ones down there in early June and threw them back. Good to know when we go back in 8 months! 



traps  and rings are fine no limit, not sure about the trot line, last year theMan pulled my float ,threw it back and drove away, must have thought it was a mooring bouy or its ok. didnt use trotline this year. the man was out checking commercial netters, had no interest in me and i had 26 traps. As far as the crabs out of the ICW, i appreciate Md crabs. Limit is 50 crabs per person ,100 per boat. Need an out of state 10day license for $15 i think. Another tidbit with the traps is pay attention to the tide it can be a 7' change. Good luck


I was talking about commercial pots, yeah no limit on the traps but pink bouys? what the [Sam Hill] is that anyway.

Guess I will be taking my traps and leaving the pots home.

Nice to hear from you Kracky, all these years and we still have not met up    yet.
I WILL get my boat out next year!


Quote from: bluecrab on September 09, 2010, 03:40:07 PM
I was talking about commercial pots, yeah no limit on the traps but pink bouys? what the [Sam Hill] is that anyway.

Guess I will be taking my traps and leaving the pots home.

Nice to hear from you Kracky, all these years and we still have not met up    yet.

The pink bouys work good, When The Marine Patrol see Pink, he knows it will be a rec trap...We also use Pink and Yellow  on Gillnets for the recs.....Many Recs just leave Pots, traps and gillnets out and head back home .....It happens all the time.. Good Luck, Catch em up..Gene

Crabpot Man

Quote from: IveGotTheBlues on September 07, 2010, 08:26:38 AM
The rules for "Chicken Necking" for BLUE CRABS in NC seem to be elusive.  Here is my understanding.  Please!  Will someone let me know if this is correct?

1.  Chicken Necking for Blue Crabs in the Coastal Waters does NOT require a license.
2.  Chicken Necking for Blue Crabs in INLAND waters DOES require a license (which makes no sense to me because I thought Blue Crabs only live in salt or brackish water, which I think would all be considered coastal water).
3.  Male Blue Crabs must be 5 inches or greater.
4.  There is NO maximum size limit on MALE Blue Crabs.
5.  MATURE Female Blue Crabs (Sooks) do NOT have a minimum size limit.
6.  From May thru August, there is NO maximum size limit on MATURE Female Blue Crabs (Sooks).
7.  From September thru April, MATURE Female Blue Crabs (Sooks) must be less than 6.75 inches.
8.  Sponge crabs (Females with eggs) must ALWAYS be thrown back.
9.  Immature Female Blue Crabs (Sallys) must ALWAYS be thrown back.

Please, will someone with knowledge verify my understanding, or tell me where I'm wrong?

1. Correct, and also includes JOINT WATERS.
2. Correct, except that brackish waters do go way inland in low lying eastern NC.
3. Correct.
4. Correct.
5. Correct.
6. Correct.
7. Correct.
8. Correct.
9. Legally, no. You can keep them if they measure 5".

Don't forget bag limits, 50 per person, 100 per vessel.


oh let me find the link, but in certain waters they closed the trotlining down.
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