Jekyll Island Georgia

Started by hoth2o, June 20, 2005, 05:22:36 AM

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Me and the kids have packed up the crab safari vehicle and are headed out for a weeks crabbing in and around Jekyll Island.  Will be back on next Tuesday. with a full report! Three Kids, one old man, a canoe, and various and sundry crab catching appliances V.S. The elusive Georgia blue crab.  Stay tuned to see if they get skunked!  Same Crab time, same crab channel!  (sorry I'm a little delirious from all the packing and preparation) ;D

Black Irish

Sounds like a great time. I'm looking forward to hearing about it when you get back.  8)


Just got Back and had a great time.  Ran ring nets off the Clam Creek Pier, using bunker injected drumsticks.  The first night I crabbed for about 3 hours and came up with about a half bushell.  The next day we set out three of our commercial style traps baited with mullet heads.  Consistently had about ten crabs in each com trap every day.  Talked to a commercial crab guy, one of the 50 left actively fishing in the state, and he turned me on to a sweet place.  There is a salt pond on the island where the commercial guys used to dump there catches waiting for a rise in price.  They can't do it anymore for environmental reasons now.  We moved two of the traps to the pond and caught some of the biggest crabs I've ever seen.  Tuesday night I went to check on the kids at the campground and some drunks cut and stole one of my commercial traps.  Dang hoodlums!!! :'(  Ended up with about three bushells for the week.  We steamed crabs two times in camp!  (we were very popular in camp ;D)   The best thing was I also kept catching Stone Crabs  Too!