cull/escape ring and rot away door question

Started by pafree, September 02, 2013, 08:14:33 PM

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i have plans to build some traps and after reading the regs, i have a couple of questions.

i found a trap for sale and i have a couple of store bought traps but if i am reading right then i need to add stuff. 


reg 1.  Must be equipped with at least 2 escape vents in EACH crab-retaining chamber and located on the outside trap walls.

the trap i found for sale and my two store bought only have rings in one chamber.  am i reading or seeing something wrong?

reg 2.  Must be equipped with a degradable panel. A trap is considered to have a degradable panel if one of the following methods is used in construction of the trap:

do i need to add a extra escape panel with the special twine or 20 ga nontreated steel wire?

is this something that people need to do to their store bought (Walmart, Academy, etc)  traps because the manufacture hasn't done it?

do i need a escape door for each chamber?


You do need the escape rings and biodegradable panels to be legal, but I don't think it is a high priority for Parks and Wildlife.  The traps that I've scene at the Academy stores around here have been legal, but the ones at Wal-Mart are rarely legal.  The Wal-Mart traps are also way over priced.

I add the escape rings and a panel to all the traps that I use or make.  I used to use biodegradable twine for the hook on the door used to remove the crabs, but they don't last very long. I now add a panel secured on the bottom with hog rings and on the top with 20 gauge wire.  I replace the wire when I rotate the traps out, every 4th or 5th week.  (Or will again when I replace the three traps I've lost in the last month.)

I like having the escape ring because it helps to cull the undersized crabs from the trap. 
Life's a beach and then it erodes.


 I replace the wire when I rotate the traps out, every 4th or 5th week.  (Or will again when I replace the three traps I've lost in the last month.)

Craig, someone is taking advantage of your trust in your fellow man.  Stop being a victim and take preventative action. There are simple inexpensive solutions to your trap theft.  Just remember that thieves are basically a lazy lot.

Say brother....can you spare a crab...