Need advice in SC, specifically Bluffton, Hilton Head Area.

Started by saupere, April 28, 2016, 10:21:18 AM

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I'm kinda new to the area, only been here 6 months or so and decided to take up crabbing.  In the last 3 weeks (April 2016) I've been out crabbing on 3 occasions and have caught a grand total 3 crabs.   2 Blues and 1 Stone Crab.  Have actually caught more fish in my traps than crabs.  Dogfish, SeaBass.      I've tried the new fishing dock at Squire-Pope Road on Hilton Head Island on 2 occasions and the public dock at Church of the Cross on Calhoun Street in Old Town Bluffton.  I've used pyramid style traps while fishing and in fact all 3 crabs were caught in these style traps.   I've also used the traditional crab pots which are approx. 9" x 16" x 24" with a bait chamber.   All told, I've probably been at it 14 hours and caught 3 lousy crabs.  I've been using a variety of bait, chicken necks, chicken gizzards, cut bait, frozen finger mullet, shrimp.  The little bit of luck I've had on the 3 that I've caught have all been on finger mullet or cut bait. I usually try to time my crabbing to 2-3 hours before high tide until 2-3 hours after high tide.  My crab pots I left over night, one with chicken gizzards, the other with shrimp.  Caught a big fat 0 crabs and they were in the  water maybe 15 hours.    Was wondering what I might be doing wrong?   Is it just a bad time of the year for crabbing in SC?   Any advice would be appreciated.   I am about ready to go back to golf.