Started by kingcrabber, April 23, 2006, 08:20:30 AM

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Quote from: procrabber on April 25, 2006, 04:57:00 PM

the right to bear arms is not intended for those who want to hunt, nor for those who want to protect thier family from intruders, but to give the people an option to kill off thier government when the time comes. probably just got flagged by the FBI website watch list.  Lets not forget this site is about blue crabs.  As soon as people start talking about stock piling weapons and taking over the government thats when things get out of hand.  I know thats not what you guys are saying, but someone else could construe it that way.  I dont want to get into a freedom of speech argument, im just saying....

[dang] nice turkey chris!!!   



Man that is sad that big brother confiscated the very thing that would have stopped most of the BS in New Orleans.   i am sure all the thugs turned theirs in too.  They would have to pry my cold dead fingers off my assortment of guns before I would give em up.  I too like Joe got jumped for no apparent reason in Towson, MD just norrth of Baltimore when I was a freshman in college.  6 thugs of assorted backgrounds decided to rob me of my only $5.  So in doing so, they kicked and beat me 6 on 1.  Sounds fair right.  I suffered 30 stitches to my face and mouth.  broken teeth, broken hand and wrist and brusied ribs etc.  All for $5...  I did some damage to a couple of them which then only spurred the others to all but finish me off.  For what $5...?  Too look tough...?  I ended up also suffering eye damage and had broke all the blood vessels in my eyes.  I look liked someone put me through a chum grinder.
Bottom line.. the police found a couple of the jerks all minors 17 years old.  they got charged only to have the charges dropped because it was my word against theirs and they came up with BS alibies.  So in the meantime they had all of my info as the person charging them, but I could not  obtain any info on them because they were minors.... Nice huh...? You know protect the poor little children  ( thugs )  Needless to say.. because of this happening I missed so much school I failed out a semester and I lost that semester's tution money and had about $3,000 dollars in medical bills that I had to pay... while I was working 3 jobs to put myself through school.  Sounds like a great deal huh.  They got off totally, had all my pesonal info.. I got nothing on them since they were minors.. and then I consumed almost $5,000 in lost tution and medical bills that I had to pay out of my pocket.. and now you want to know why I think the 2nd ammendment is important... because it creates a kinder gentler society when your packing.....   Meanwhile SW.. keep the musket loaded and man the front porch.. that is fine and your choice.. but I can gaurantee like JC.. the next time 6 thugs want to roll me I will be rolling all six of those a holes into the gutter and no I won't feel bad doing because I was minding my own business and look what I got ... the system has personal failed me just like it failed Joe Crabs.   Thank God PA has the right to carry concealed unlike the liberal republic of MD......and believe me I do and have no qualms about
protecting myself, my family and my wife.  Break in my house and find ouut what happens...I can guarantee that most thugs would pass me by for something less dangerous and an easier mark.... Like Joe said 30 kicks to the head may just change your point of view... I would not wish that on anyone
nor would I want to have to use deadly force to protect myself.. but if it is me or them it sure as [Sam Hill] ain't going to be me AGAIN....

MD / PA Line


Quote from: ChrisS on April 26, 2006, 08:52:23 AM
Thank you for removing this from my turkey thread and placing it to itself. I was starting to think I was a criminal!
I appreciate it.
C.")  :)

the classic BCA shuffle again!  :laugh: :laugh:

gee chris, why are you starting all of these controversial topics like this   :laugh: :laugh:


I just posted a pic of a bird I harvested and was proud of!!! Not sure where the rest came from!!! :laugh:
–noun 1. adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty

Crabber Joe

Quote from: CrabDog on April 26, 2006, 09:42:10 AM

Man that is sad that big brother confiscated the very thing that would have stopped most of the BS in New Orleans.   i am sure all the thugs turned theirs in too.  They would have to pry my cold dead fingers off my assortment of guns before I would give em up.  I too like Joe got jumped for no apparent reason in Towson, MD just norrth of Baltimore when I was a freshman in college.  6 thugs of assorted backgrounds decided to rob me of my only $5.  So in doing so, they kicked and beat me 6 on 1.  Sounds fair right.  I suffered 30 stitches to my face and mouth.  broken teeth, broken hand and wrist and brusied ribs etc.  All for $5...  I did some damage to a couple of them which then only spurred the others to all but finish me off.  For what $5...?  Too look tough...?  I ended up also suffering eye damage and had broke all the blood vessels in my eyes.  I look liked someone put me through a chum grinder.
Bottom line.. the police found a couple of the jerks all minors 17 years old.  they got charged only to have the charges dropped because it was my word against theirs and they came up with BS alibies.  So in the meantime they had all of my info as the person charging them, but I could not  obtain any info on them because they were minors.... Nice huh...? You know protect the poor little children  ( thugs )  Needless to say.. because of this happening I missed so much school I failed out a semester and I lost that semester's tution money and had about $3,000 dollars in medical bills that I had to pay... while I was working 3 jobs to put myself through school.  Sounds like a great deal huh.  They got off totally, had all my pesonal info.. I got nothing on them since they were minors.. and then I consumed almost $5,000 in lost tution and medical bills that I had to pay out of my pocket.. and now you want to know why I think the 2nd ammendment is important... because it creates a kinder gentler society when your packing.....   Meanwhile SW.. keep the musket loaded and man the front porch.. that is fine and your choice.. but I can gaurantee like JC.. the next time 6 thugs want to roll me I will be rolling all six of those a holes into the gutter and no I won't feel bad doing because I was minding my own business and look what I got ... the system has personal failed me just like it failed Joe Crabs.   Thank God PA has the right to carry concealed unlike the liberal republic of MD......and believe me I do and have no qualms about
protecting myself, my family and my wife.  Break in my house and find ouut what happens...I can guarantee that most thugs would pass me by for something less dangerous and an easier mark.... Like Joe said 30 kicks to the head may just change your point of view... I would not wish that on anyone
nor would I want to have to use deadly force to protect myself.. but if it is me or them it sure as [Sam Hill] ain't going to be me AGAIN....

Well.......... we all know why the Dog lives in PA now.. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Anytime, Anyplace JO !



I guess I've been lucky! I have traveled alone all over this great country in some real out of the way places and never had any problems at all! I was in Colorado one time and wanted a beer. So I drive down to the local grog joint and walk inside. Couldn't see a thing. It was so bright outside and so dark inside I was blind. Shift to the side of the door until my eyes adjust and then realize I'm in a Mexican bar! The signs are all in Spanish the music is Spanish and everyone in there is looking at me! I did not feel too comfortable at the time! Well I stroll to the bar "cervesa, bien fria por favor". Drank my beer and problem! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Retired in paradise!


Mee too Bog, been all over, and never had any problem.  I've been inside the Victory House in Baltimore, which is bascially a crackhouse disguised as a shelter for homeless people.  Talk about scary... could have easily been stabbed in there.  My buddy and I took a homeless guy there one night and paid for him to stay a few weeks.... long story, anyway... I know it can happen, and we've seen some examples of our members being victims of random violence.  But I don't live my life in fear that someone's gonna pop out with an uzi and take me down.  And if they decide thats what they want to do, an AK in my truck or basement isn't gonna do me a [dang] bit of good.  The Osama's changed the world with a BOX KNIFE, not a nuclear bomb, or some high-tech plan, a $3 box knife, and everyone, armed or un-armed couldn't do a [dang] thing about it.  Its the low-tech warfare thats going to kill us all.

In the words of the great Ronnie Van Sant... When its your time to go, its your time to go :)
Git 'r dun!


.....had someone onboard the flights been armed, history wouldn't be what it is now.......3000 people would still be alive, 2000 troops would still be alive.......and the Twin towers would still be standing!
–noun 1. adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty


Quote from: Seaweed on April 26, 2006, 11:23:04 AM
Mee too Bog, been all over, and never had any problem.  I've been inside the Victory House in Baltimore, which is bascially a crackhouse disguised as a shelter for homeless people.  Talk about scary... could have easily been stabbed in there.  My buddy and I took a homeless guy there one night and paid for him to stay a few weeks.... long story, anyway... I know it can happen, and we've seen some examples of our members being victims of random violence.  But I don't live my life in fear that someone's gonna pop out with an uzi and take me down.  And if they decide thats what they want to do, an AK in my truck or basement isn't gonna do me a [dang] bit of good.  The Osama's changed the world with a BOX KNIFE, not a nuclear bomb, or some high-tech plan, a $3 box knife, and everyone, armed or un-armed couldn't do a [dang] thing about it.  Its the low-tech warfare thats going to kill us all.

In the words of the great Ronnie Van Sant... When its your time to go, its your time to go :)


man I repect your opinion, but a gun on the 4 flights WOULD have made the difference.. you know the old saying " bringing a knife to a gun fight"   :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
If the pilots could have carried or had there been an air marshall on any of those flights.. it would have been much different like ChrisS pointed out.  And no I didn't anything to cause the situation I had, but it is possible to be in the wrong place at the wrong time....Fortunately, most don't have that type of timing or luck...   ;D 
We all have our opinions and beliefs.  I repsect your's and if you don't want to own an AK that is your choice.. If I do and it is legally obtained and licensed than that is my choice.  PS I don not plan on getting one.  I actually had an SKS and sold it many moons ago.  So I can speak form experience about this cause I actually agree that I don't personally see the need for one.. but once the political/legislative door gets pried open... they will take the mile when given the inch.. that is my arguement..

MD / PA Line


Quote from: Crabber Joe on April 26, 2006, 10:26:19 AM
Well.......... we all know why the Dog lives in PA now.. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


Praise the lord and pass the ammunition.. brother...  My favorite phrase from WWII... a priest said it will manning a machine gun nest trying to shot down zero's during the Pearl Harbor attack..... I have to admit it is a plus for PA and VA and the other right to carry states.  Doesn't mean you have to, but it is a state right not a priviledge.  Oh boy " states right"  don't take this to the north vs south again...    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


MD / PA Line



Quote from: CSKIFF517 on April 26, 2006, 09:30:51 AM probably just got flagged by the FBI website watch list.  Lets not forget this site is about blue crabs.  As soon as people start talking about stock piling weapons and taking over the government thats when things get out of hand.  I know thats not what you guys are saying, but someone else could construe it that way.  I dont want to get into a freedom of speech argument, im just saying....

[dang] nice turkey chris!!!   


I was thinking that too.  Probably got cars staking out our houses at this point... Seriously probably a valid point.  I know it is a crab site, but until I can go cab.. I got to complain about something and I haven't given SW grief in a while either.  ..... ::) ::) ::) ::)

MD / PA Line


.....I think you have a better chance of having the NRP outside watching and waiting for some rec to sell his crabs!!! :laugh:
–noun 1. adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty


Quote from: ChrisS on April 26, 2006, 12:00:21 PM
.....I think you have a better chance of having the NRP outside watching and waiting for some rec to sell his crabs!!! :laugh:

cute....but probably more likely...   :laugh:
nice turkey.. pretty 2 brothers hunt turkey and I have always wanted try.. Maybe one spring...

MD / PA Line


Quote from: CrabDog on April 26, 2006, 11:51:17 AM

man I repect your opinion, but a gun on the 4 flights WOULD have made the difference.. you know the old saying " bringing a knife to a gun fight"   :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
If the pilots could have carried or had there been an air marshall on any of those flights.. it would have been much different like ChrisS pointed out.  And no I didn't anything to cause the situation I had, but it is possible to be in the wrong place at the wrong time....Fortunately, most don't have that type of timing or luck...   ;D 
We all have our opinions and beliefs.  I repsect your's and if you don't want to own an AK that is your choice.. If I do and it is legally obtained and licensed than that is my choice.  PS I don not plan on getting one.  I actually had an SKS and sold it many moons ago.  So I can speak form experience about this cause I actually agree that I don't personally see the need for one.. but once the political/legislative door gets pried open... they will take the mile when given the inch.. that is my arguement..


I respect all the opinions expressed in this post, wheter I agree or not.  I see both sides, and I am NOT anti-gun, by any means.  I just think things are out-of-hand, certainly from the "bad guys" side, but what bothers me is that the "good guys" are also packing...  I agree, anyone can be in the wrong place at the wrong time, but I guess I live my life differently, and my first reaction is not to pull out a gun...

We're up to 3 pages, and I've enjoyed it, but I've said my deal, and thats all I'll say.  I bet this one goes for at least 8 pages, with no conclusions drawn. :)
Git 'r dun!








Quote from: Seaweed on April 26, 2006, 12:16:36 PM
I respect all the opinions expressed in this post, wheter I agree or not.  I see both sides, and I am NOT anti-gun, by any means.  I just think things are out-of-hand, certainly from the "bad guys" side, but what bothers me is that the "good guys" are also packing...  I agree, anyone can be in the wrong place at the wrong time, but I guess I live my life differently, and my first reaction is not to pull out a gun...

We're up to 3 pages, and I've enjoyed it, but I've said my deal, and thats all I'll say.  I bet this one goes for at least 8 pages, with no conclusions drawn. :)

I think 4 pages .. you  can only bet this horse for so long....So watch out laying traps/trotline on me.. may cause me to get out my mac-10 and spray your boat hull intoo swiss cheese...
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

How's watch on the front porch with the musket going... ( BTW My civil war musket is probably more deadly than an auto....  may only fire once.. but boy 505 grains of pure lead leaves on heck of a dent...)  later weed....

MD / PA Line

Black Irish

Wow, I just finished reading all this stuff about guns. Does this mean I'm supposed to get a permit for my tater gun? I keep it under the console loaded with chum and fish heads in case I run across some moron out there.


When I got my pistol permit in CT many moons ago there was a question on the application: Why are you requesting this permit? I thought about that for a while and entered" To comply with State regulations!"
It never got questioned.
To me a gun is a tool; handy when needed. I don't hunt, target practice only. Like any tool it is as safe as the person using it. I very rarely carry when on personal business but have drawn when on the job. I've never discharged at a person...Thank God! From a law enforcement viewpoint: it's not your decision to shoot. The offender, by his actions, makes the choice whether you shoot or not!
A buddy of mine, a cop on the job shot and killed an offender in the line of duty. He was brought up on murder charges! CT vs Smith, 1997. In a prolonged legal battle and many $ later he won but is no longer a cop.
Retired in paradise!


I was at a boat ramp once in FL.  I had already pulled the boat out and I was washing off the boat next to the ramp.  There was a big line of people waiting to pull their boats out of the water.  This one boater was next in line and was dragging his boat around the dock to set it up to pull out when this jerkoff jumps in line and drops his jet ski trailer down the very ramp the boater was setting up to use.  The boater told the guy he was next  in line and his boat was already in position to pull out.  This jerkoff told him to f-off and the began to share a few words.  They were yelling at each other from a distance and the jerkoff tells the boater that he should come down and tell it to his face.  Well the boater said with pleasure and jumped off the dock and was walking over the guy, when all of a sudden this guy reaches into his glove box and pulls out his gun.  Of course the boater stopped and walked away. 

Of course this guy may think that he was a bad [arse], but all I saw was a coward.  Im NOT  saying that if you carry a gun you are a coward, however this type a situation that guy should have taken it like a man.  I mean, how are you going to call a guy and then pull a punk [arse] move like that.  Did I mention that he reached across his 10 year old son sitting in the front seat to reach the gun.  What a great role model there.  "Hey son, if you ever get in a fight, just pull out your gat and blast'em."  With FL's new "Stand Your Ground Law" you cant get into an argument anymore without worrying about someone pulling a gun on you.  And FL law just made it easier for you to shoot first and ask questions later.

That scares me.