Md firearms fast approching

Started by rdbeard, November 21, 2016, 02:35:11 PM

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Hardshell Tony

Quote from: Crabbyd on November 28, 2016, 10:26:56 AM
Still a lot of sparring going on.  The action picked back up Saturday evening

They really go at it!! Found this puncture wound on mine when skinning, I shot him in the neck.I think that happened with that wide rack buck,that's one Heck of a abscess hope he makes it through the winter if he's not shot.
Good Luck on Sat Indoe.


This has been a tough year for me. Only shot 1 doe this year. I would have round 4 right about now. I have been sick for the last 2 weeks. Decided to hunt the morning since i have not been out much and need to get some deer down on the grund. I have a 6 pointer come in then come back 20 min later. Looking to shoot a doe or a big buck if im lucky. Around 830am I have a doe and 2 fawns to my right. She does not look like she will stop and the fawns look like they want to come towards me but she keeps one going. I'm Hunting with my bow so no shot with all the brush in the way. That is all I saw in the morning. I Get back out around 2pm and saw a spike a small doe at 3pm. They where very skittish and could not get a shot at them before they left. Then at 4:15 they come back with another doe. The does are very small but i pick out the bigger one and let an arrow fly. The arrow is sticking out really far. The arrow came out about 15 yards away. I am thinking what just happened? ??? It looked like a good hit but when i get down the arrow had blood and hair only about 3 inches up and the point of the arrow was gone.  :-\ I hoped maybe I somehow got some lung or something to take it down. I looked and only found 10 little blood drops. I looked for an hour and could not find any more blood or the deer. From what i saw with the arrow and little blood i think I hit bone and the deer will survive. Unfortunately I hate that I injured the deer.
Crabbing, Fishing and Hunting = Me happy!

capt. ron

It happens.  Hopefully she'll survive.  Maybe ya might get another shot before the season ends.
laissez les bon temps rouler
let the good times roll


–noun 1. adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty


Quote from: ChrisS on December 04, 2016, 08:10:14 PM
anyone heard from rdbeard?

not yet.  should be on here sometime today
"Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, a crab in one hand, a beer in the other, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming -- WOW--What a Ride!"



 Hey guys ,I'm back. So went to camp as planned frinov 26th. opening day killed a doe at 745, at 8 am a buck follows the doe on the same trail killed him, at 815 another buck same trail same spt and bigger than first buck had to pass. after an hour wait went and found buck and doe, they die 30 ft apart. That evening hunted a differaant stand and missed a doe at 60 yards  broad side, alittle over confindent and shot under, glad for a clean miss. No body see's deer the next few days. Mon with weather man calling for warm rain tue and wens. i skin and quarter my 2 and ice in 150 qt cooler. packed up and left camp tues at noon to come up and hunt carr cnty farm, stop at cool ice in cambridge to get a peck of oysters. At home i deal with the deer wens and thurs. off to carr cnty to hunt fri and sat. There the first deer i see is a nice 8pt but again i have to pass and with no doe opertunitys i went home sat., but had a great time with my close friend Paul and his wife and mine for a coulpe days. Will hunt maybe this sat and the late gun.


Quote from: rdbeard on December 05, 2016, 09:31:43 AM
Hey guys ,I'm back. So went to camp as planned frinov 26th. opening day killed a doe at 745, at 8 am a buck follows the doe on the same trail killed him, at 815 another buck same trail same spt and bigger than first buck had to pass. after an hour wait went and found buck and doe, they die 30 ft apart. That evening hunted a differaant stand and missed a doe at 60 yards  broad side, alittle over confindent and shot under, glad for a clean miss. No body see's deer the next few days. Mon with weather man calling for warm rain tue and wens. i skin and quarter my 2 and ice in 150 qt cooler. packed up and left camp tues at noon to come up and hunt carr cnty farm, stop at cool ice in cambridge to get a peck of oysters. At home i deal with the deer wens and thurs. off to carr cnty to hunt fri and sat. There the first deer i see is a nice 8pt but again i have to pass and with no doe opertunitys i went home sat., but had a great time with my close friend Paul and his wife and mine for a coulpe days. Will hunt maybe this sat and the late gun.

nice job rdbeard
"Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, a crab in one hand, a beer in the other, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming -- WOW--What a Ride!"



Quote from: rdbeard on December 05, 2016, 10:42:18 AM
Thx D Hope u get thta wide SOB

He has been MIA since the night before gun opener.  Hope he is hanging low right now.
"Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, a crab in one hand, a beer in the other, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming -- WOW--What a Ride!"


 Yea D because hanging high means something completly differant.



Quote from: rdbeard on December 05, 2016, 12:50:10 PM
Yea D because hanging high means something completly differant.


I saw a pic of one that looked similar to him in a post that was shot in the same county but the brows were different but definitely cold have been the same genes.  Since gun opener, a lot of the bigger bucks have been MIA but also have several more that I had never seen before have showed up.  I have a huge 6pt that I should have had several times but very cagey.  They don't get big by being dumb.  Also got lots of "Birds"
"Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, a crab in one hand, a beer in the other, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming -- WOW--What a Ride!"


I have a cam now in a spot I found about 10 rubs and 2 scrapes on Friday.  And it's only 50 yards from one of my stands but you cant see it from the stand.  It appears from the pics that quite a few come over the hill through this area.  You can see 2 of the rubs in this pic.
"Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, a crab in one hand, a beer in the other, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming -- WOW--What a Ride!"


 hey D just a heads up. If you and the wife hunt turkeys in the late season make sure all corn is gone anywhere on your property. Last season the prez. of our hunt club and another member were hunt late season turkeys a few hundred yards from another memnbers deer stand where he has a feeder with corn, long story short DNR took a pic of the fedder while it was active the night before then staked it out and fined 2 guys 500.00 each and they never knew the feeder was there or on. They also closed 400 acres to hunting for remainder of season which is a little less then half our property .


Quote from: rdbeard on December 05, 2016, 03:32:21 PM
hey D just a heads up. If you and the wife hunt turkeys in the late season make sure all corn is gone anywhere on your property. Last season the prez. of our hunt club and another member were hunt late season turkeys a few hundred yards from another memnbers deer stand where he has a feeder with corn, long story short DNR took a pic of the fedder while it was active the night before then staked it out and fined 2 guys 500.00 each and they never knew the feeder was there or on. They also closed 400 acres to hunting for remainder of season which is a little less then half our property .

correct.  If I remember correctly, it takes 10 days once the bait is gone before it is considered safe to hunt.  I don't remember how far from bait you have to be to be safe, but we never hunt late season turkey.  We hunt the spring season and this past year we were down on the shore outside of Crisfield but thanks for the reminder.  The last pic, where they are in line, is about 200 yards from the bait pile.  I don't think that is far enough though.
"Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, a crab in one hand, a beer in the other, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming -- WOW--What a Ride!"


Nice job RD! Sounds like you had a great hunt.
Crabbing, Fishing and Hunting = Me happy!



Thx indoe i did have a great time in camp and hunting. I have hunted in this club for almost 30 years and would rather be there for gun season then anywhere else i can think of. 25 members on 975 acres. Members are muliple familys ranging in age from 79 years youg to 7 years old. As far as deer killing goes i haven't killed in 2 years prior so very thankful for killing 2. I will hunt the late season 3 day with my son whon is 30 years old and has miss 2 years of hunting due to getting in some trouble and being on probation but doing much better now. good luck for the rest of the season.


RD I wish I still had my hunting club down there. I miss hanging out with them. It was not all about killing a deer but also hanging out with good friends. I know you hunt around Pocomo city. I wounder if you ever saw or noticed me. I was the only Korean probably within 50 miles. Or only asian in camo in 100 miles.  :laugh: We stayed in Pocomo city at most of the motels down there for like 15 years. We always went down the day after Thanksgiving and came home Sunday and I some times made it for the next weekend.
Crabbing, Fishing and Hunting = Me happy!

Hardshell Tony

Congrats Rd.Sounds like you had a pretty exciting 1st couple hrs.I was wondering why you didn't shoot the 2nd. buck? I read the rules for Md.and found you have to kill 2 doe's before you can shoot another buck. Is this true?


Quote from: Hardshell Tony on December 06, 2016, 07:26:57 PM
Congrats Rd.Sounds like you had a pretty exciting 1st couple hrs.I was wondering why you didn't shoot the 2nd. buck? I read the rules for Md.and found you have to kill 2 doe's before you can shoot another buck. Is this true?

that is correct Tony.  You have to kill 2 does before you can buy the Bonus Buck tag.
"Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, a crab in one hand, a beer in the other, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming -- WOW--What a Ride!"


 Like D said and i'm still looking for the second doe and while hunting carroll cnty late in first week had to pass on a pretty nice 8 pt also. Maybe i'll get that doe i need this sat. Both bucks i seen and killed 1, were small . the 1 i killed a 3 pt 110lb the second i didn't shoot was maybe 125 lb and only 1 spike. wanted them all, we eat a good bit of venison but u gotta do it right.