Peeler vs. Soft vs. Hard Shell Size limit

Started by sgruver78, August 07, 2019, 12:22:37 PM

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So i will be fishing my new commercial style traps that I just bought in the Barnegat bay next week while on vacation.  I caught some crabs last year with the basket type but just released them because I didn't know too much about crabbing.  Anyway, my son really wants to go hardcore this year while on vacation so I have been studying the rules and watching videos on what to do and look for but I still can't figure out one thing when it comes to the size limits.  How do I tell the difference between a soft, shedder and hard shelled blue crab?  Well I do know what a hard shell one looks like but I want to make sure I am playing by the rules and I can't seem to find any website that specifically shows side by side images of these stages.  Any help will be greatly appreciated!

evinrude 130

Check out the very first sticky on the page, has a lot of info you are looking for. Have fun.  As for images, the soft crab is easy. It is soft and either under a male crab that is carrying it or on a structure of some type. ! Peelers can be found the same way, under a male crab. The back fin of the female has a dark line around it. Pinch that fin, watch to see if it moves inside the shell. Also the apron has a dark look to it. As for a male peeler, could not tell you. But I am sure someone will chime in and explain it.