+ Water temp !!

Started by king crab 48, February 07, 2020, 07:31:33 AM

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Quote from: Redbone on February 10, 2020, 07:28:28 AM
The earth may be in a warming cycle    Man has nothing to do with it.  I live near bodkin creek there was once a point and a light house there. The point eroded and the light house collapsed that was in the 1930s.  Now its 6 foot deep  there  Yea let's go green because that's work so well.  The last administration spent a trillion dollars on there stimulus plan .  A lot of that money went to the green movement.  How did that work out?  Gas and electric are fairly cheap thanks to coal miners and drilllers.  People use " climate change" as a cover for socialism ie. AOC / Sanders so it is political. Many of the liberals want you to feel guilty for living in the greatest country in the world. This mild winter should be good for the crabs. 
Among SCIENTISTS worldwide that have no reason to have a political agenda and no affiliation with any
liberal people you mentioned there in a consensus that man is contributing to the issue. So I would tend to listen
to them about the need to curb greenhouse gas emmisions . To think there is no consequences to keep polluting
the atmosphere does not make sense to me. As far as crabs I hope you are right, but coral reefs don't seem to
be doing so well. Coal is dying on its own in this country anyway because it cost more than other options.


Those scientists are prob the same ones who tried to scare the [Sam Hill] out of people in the 70s with a new ice age coming; acid rain : hole in the ozone etc.   


There was a hole in the ozone layer. It is closing thanks to people making changes (like getting rid of cfc)


double E

Topic, Water Temps. 23 replies only 3 about the actual water temps I think the poster was referring too. You can definitely tell its the middle off winter LOL  :laugh: 


Quote from: Redbone on February 10, 2020, 09:22:52 AM
Those scientists are prob the same ones who tried to scare the [Sam Hill] out of people in the 70s with a new ice age coming; acid rain : hole in the ozone etc.   
BTW Acid rain is a real scientific FACT. The acidification of the oceans is only one of many problems that
are having a negative affect on marine life around the earth, you know that place all humans share and hope to
leave to future generations in the best possible condition that us humans inherited from all before us. Unless you
think the earth is only a couple thousand years old.  Also water temps bays about 6dg./ ocean about 5dg. above
ten yr. avg. coastal S. Jersey. Striped Bass are still being caught (not legal till Mar.1) when normally they would
be pretty much absent from mid-Dec. till mid-Mar. in my area. The local lakes, that we used to icescate on when
we were kids have not froze solid in 20 yrs. The saltwater lagoons that make up Mystic Islands that we used to
be able walk on and cut a 2mi. walk to 1/4 mi. has not froze solid in 25 yrs. Oh,oh the ozone hole, do really think
it was just a made up thing, research NASA data if you believe in science and facts.



I saw a hummingbird today. I was quite pleased.


Quote from: Wallco99 on February 10, 2020, 08:38:02 PM
I saw a hummingbird today. I was quite pleased.
he come over my house 2 days ago


Quote from: squidspeak on February 10, 2020, 08:34:24 PM
BTW Acid rain is a real scientific FACT. The acidification of the oceans is only one of many problems that
are having a negative affect on marine life around the earth, you know that place all humans share and hope to
leave to future generations in the best possible condition that us humans inherited from all before us. Unless you
think the earth is only a couple thousand years old.  Also water temps bays about 6dg./ ocean about 5dg. above
ten yr. avg. coastal S. Jersey. Striped Bass are still being caught (not legal till Mar.1) when normally they would
be pretty much absent from mid-Dec. till mid-Mar. in my area. The local lakes, that we used to icescate on when
we were kids have not froze solid in 20 yrs. The saltwater lagoons that make up Mystic Islands that we used to
be able walk on and cut a 2mi. walk to 1/4 mi. has not froze solid in 25 yrs. Oh,oh the ozone hole, do really think
it was just a made up thing, research NASA data if you believe in science and facts.
I was just looking at pictures from February 2015/January 2018 the kids and I were walking on the pond down the street.  Facts. 


Here is a good video to educate you on the difference between climate vs weather. I know when I was a kid (80's) I was in my winter coat from late October until March. I've worn it once this year.


The politics of "climate change" and climate change are two different topics.

On the politics side, Obama gave about a billion taxpayer dollars to Solyndra and 23 other "green" companies. Coincidentally they were all Obama donors. Today all 24 are closed. Maybe "green" is just a political dog whistle.

On the politics side, the US didn't sign onto the Kyoto Protocols in 1995 when about 200 other countries did. Kyoto's goal was a voluntary reduction in CO2 footprint of 5%. The results? None of the 200 Nations reduced their CO2 footprint while the US reduced by 21%. Then came the Paris Accord with even more lofty goals. About 200 countries signed onto it, including the US by Obama. The hitch is that both China and India were excluded from any goals and repercussions stated in the Accord. Only the US would have been forced to cough up about a trillion dollars a year. Trump, IMO, correctly pulled us out of that "agreement".

On the science, scientists determined many years ago that rising CO2 levels are a trailing indicator of warming by about 800 years. About 800 years ago the Earth experienced the MWP (Medieval Warming Period) back before coal fired plants and SUV's were in existence. Our current CO2 levels reflect that warming.

Continuing on the science of the greenhouse effect, we focus on the effect of carbon dioxide and methane and ignore the effect of water vapor. The science says that water vapor accounts for roughly 90% of the green house effect, carbon dioxide about 5% and methane about 2%. Since we can't do anything to impact water vapor levels in the atmosphere, we shifted (politically) to carbon dioxide.

Do humans contribute to atmospheric CO2 levels? Of course. Is it significant? I say "no" but it is debatable. In the global context, one Nation can't carry the full responsibility while all others are immune. We should be limiting our carbon footprint to the extent practical, but that's about it. It's rarely discussed but there are very positive results from the Earth warming slightly. For example, Canada has a longer growing season, all plant life thrives in a slightly higher CO2 world, and we have these kinds of discussions about the future of the planet and our impact.

The fact is the climate is ALWAYS changing ... by definition. Climate is simply the averaging of weather conditions over time. Alarmists like to pick a time frame that highlights their concern. The Earth takes a longer view than alarmists. Compare today to 800 years ago, for example, and you will find there has been no climate change at all.





The  scientific reason behind this warm winter is what is going on in the arctic and in the atlantic.The polar vortex has been super strong for all winter and not showing signs of breaking down.It has hovered over the north pole for 2 months keeping the cold locked up north.The Arctic Oscillation has been positive.This keeps the stratosphere cold with the cold air circulating around the arctic circle.Also,the North Atlantic Oscillation has been strongly positive meaning the Icelandic low pressure and the Azores high pressure have been very strong promoting strong westeries over the USA. This is not favorable for  noreasters and cold air lingering for a long period. If this wasn't enough the Madden-Julian Oscillation in the pacific ocean has been in a warm phase promoting a high pressure area off the southeast states which results in warmth for the east coast.Hopefully this will continue for another couple of months with an early crab haul....


Quote from: Wallco99 on February 12, 2020, 12:20:44 PM
I like Jim!   :) :)

LOL ... slow crabbing day ... needed to do something with my hands. Trotlines minus bait are ready. Little boat is ready. Groundhog told me to be ready. Freezer full of crab necks. With just a little more "global" warming (called Spring) ...

Thanks, Wallco


another global warming day down here in mississippi. water temp 64.8 air temp.almost 70 beautiful day.might go crabbing !!!


Quote from: Wallco99 on February 12, 2020, 12:20:44 PM
I like Jim!   :) :)

OMG,  I just read Jims response.  Are you kidding a scientist?  Go suck on a tailpipe and tell me how you feel next week.  I'm being semi-sarcastic to make a point.  You can't sell a scientist on such Tom Foolery.  Heck, even Wallco knows the requirements of CO detectors in homes to get a CO = cert of occupancy.   >:( >:( >:(   



It's funny to me how a so called waterman keeps putting down our president



  The bottom line here is that this old earth is going through a change, and do you want to know something else? We are not going to be able to change it one little bit. Oh yes some of you think that it can be changed but as I read through all of the cool answers only one of you has come close to the truth. That's right it was WALLCO RICK. He mentioned the earth tilting on it axis a tiny bit . How many of you that think switching to wind power is going to change that tilting of the axis ? This old earth is a living body that has changed over the millions of years, we are seeing it change right before our very eyes but we refuse to accept it. We have seen Storms of the worst magnitude slam into this planet, earthquakes the worst ever on record, volcano's erupting all over this planet, and we are worried about the emissions from automobiles ? How about all of the wild fires maybe we can put the blame there, are you kidding ? We can sit back and watch the oceans rise and take back what man has created to the point of the highest mountain peaks that will be exposed.above the water. City's have been found under the oceans proof that civilization's once existed there. Deep well drilling rigs have brought to the surface from over two miles below the earths crust sea shells , where did they come from ? There must have been an ocean at that depth at one point in time . Don't kid yourself we are all going to be on this ride watching " MOTHER EARTH DOING YET ANOTHER CHANGE " Funny thing is we won't be able to stop it from happening, just like those lost civilizations that have been here before us and are now gone, and so will we be taking that same trip, pack your bags folks, we are going away!

Bob G
Get it on !
A good one to remember is !
Keep your friends close, BUT keep your enemies CLOSER !
I am nobody, and nobody is perfect, therefore I am _________!
A truth that's told with bad intent  beats all the lies you can invent.
It's hard to be humble when you're as great as I am ! JUST JOKING.
I thought that I made a mistake once , but I was WRONG.
Remember " A rose by any other name will smell just as  sweet  "


No political banter, please. I have removed several posts that refer to previous and current presidential administrations.


Climate change is real. I said it. But in my opinion it's been changing for a long time. How much effect we have on it I'm not sure.
An article from the Washington post

The Arctic ocean is warming up, icebergs are growing scarcer and in some places the seals are finding the water too hot, according to a report to the Commerce Department yesterday from Consul Ifft, at Bergen, Norway.
Reports from fishermen, seal hunters and explorers, he declared, all point to a radical change in climate conditions and hitherto unheard-of temperatures in the Arctic zone. Exploration expeditions report that scarcely any ice has been met with as far north as 81 degrees 29 minutes. Soundings to a depth of 3,100 meters showed the gulf stream still very warm.
Great masses of ice have been replaced by moraines of earth and stones, the report continued, while at many points well known glaciers have entirely disappeared. Very few seals and no white fish are found in the eastern Arctic, while vast shoals of herring and smelts, which have never before ventured so far north, are being encountered in the old seal fishing grounds.

An article from  1922, long before all the carbon emissions and cow farts. Bottom line in my opinion we are but a minuscule blip in time. Now that doesn't mean that we shouldn't do everything we can to ensure that we leave our guest home in better condition then we found it. Again just my opinion.
Each one of us here today will at one time in our lives look upon a loved one who is in need and ask the same question: We are willing to help, Lord, but what, if anything, is needed? For it is true we can seldom help those closest to us. Either we don't know what part of ourselves to give or, more often than not, the part we have to give is not wanted. And so it is those we live with and should know who elude us. But we can still love them - we can love completely without complete understanding.


I just had a BLT, and it was delicious. The secret is mayo on the top slice of bread and a little butter on the bottom slice. A true palate pleaser.