+ Water temp !!

Started by king crab 48, February 07, 2020, 07:31:33 AM

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Quote from: squidspeak on February 23, 2020, 10:08:39 AM
Touche ' nobody is perfect baaaa. Rick I don't know if I spelled that first word right. I am guilty of watching
the news, any news and I decide because I am a semi stable genius who is telling part of the truth .Unfortunetly
some people believe stories about the school shooting in SAndyhook did not happen and stories about pizza gate.
Those sheep I don't herd with, do you have an Alex Jones poster?

A. Jones wrote the jokes delivered by G. Carlin.  Neither person has any credentials in the sciences, so why would anyone trust either as a reliable source on science.  Moreso, why would anyone trust the advice of a any individual on the topic of science that has learned all they know about science from the words of a comedian or politician.  There are laws of nature based upon the physical sciences.  As an example, maybe you've fallen from a high place, a scientist can calculate the force and speed at which you struck the ground causing injury.  If you enjoy firearms, as I do, you enjoy the smell of spent gunpowder, you know the grains of your own reloads that give you the performance you prefer.  Etc.  There really is very little disagreement between the majority of scientists.  They collaborate and often times come to the exact same conclusion unless they're paid specifically to raise scrutiny and doubt.  These types of corporate paid scientists are often times laughed out of the scientific community and are not considered legitimate.  Why do they do it?  Just follow the money.     


There are up to 80HP battery powered outboard motors. Quite impressive as far as run time. Am I not patriotic if
I think it would be suitable for a wide range of crabbers? As of yet there are not replacement for displacement
high HP outboards but maybe Tesla can find a market. Keep an open mind crabby-1 konoby.

Mr. Ray III

Quote from: squidspeak on February 23, 2020, 09:35:49 PM
There are up to 80HP battery powered outboard motors. Quite impressive as far as run time. Am I not patriotic if
I think it would be suitable for a wide range of crabbers? As of yet there are not replacement for displacement
high HP outboards but maybe Tesla can find a market. Keep an open mind crabby-1 konoby.

Obviously batteries will be the killer for electric outboards.  Taking up too much space and too much weight.

Also, I'd wonder how torque would be managed on a big electric outboard. Even an 80 hp.  From a dead stop  to full throttle could create cavitation issues, maybe even a spun hub?  Maybe they got it figured out....I can barely keep up a conventional gas motor.


Quote from: Mr. Ray III on February 24, 2020, 02:28:33 AM
Obviously batteries will be the killer for electric outboards.  Taking up too much space and too much weight.

The good news is that battery technology is getting better on a seemingly daily basis. New carbon-silicon batteries can provide 2X the range of current graphite anode batteries and can fast charge to 80% capacity in just 5 minutes. There are also new lithium-sulfur (Li-S) batteries being tested that provide 4X the capacity of today's Li-ion batteries. Those are just a few examples of what's on the horizon, I have no doubt that we might see viable electric boat motors in the next ~10 years.  :o

Mr. Ray III

Duffy has been making electric boats for a long time.  I was in a creek off the bay in Virginia once and there had to be a dozen of them.  This was 15 years ago. 

I know batteries are getting good just from what the power tools are coming out with. 



Quote from: Mr. Ray III on February 24, 2020, 09:10:38 AM
Duffy has been making electric boats for a long time.  I was in a creek off the bay in Virginia once and there had to be a dozen of them.  This was 15 years ago. 

I know batteries are getting good just from what the power tools are coming out with. 

I can only imagine how nice it would be to replace my Yamaha F200 outboard with an electric motor (if one existed). I'd imagine much less maintenance, no more worries about ethanol, fuel stabilizers, oil changes, spark plugs, water pumps/impellers, high cost to fill with gasoline, etc...


Quote from: crabbymike17 on February 23, 2020, 07:30:44 AM
That video, and I've watched it many times over the years, is extremely hilarious!  It's great entertainment delivered by a truly brilliant comedian.  George Carlin's comedic advise on the planet simply reminds me of how R.J. Reynolds scientists claimed for many years that cigarette smoking is safe and had no impact on cancer and heart disease.  Only fools believed what the big tobacco scientists said.  It took a while for people to catch on to the facts which were no joke.  And perhaps you've lost family and friends to cancer also, which is a sad affair.   I'm a fan of the bureau of tobacco, firearms and alcohol.  I won't be crabbing with solar power, sails or electric motors, I'm not a tree hugger type by far, I've been called out for poaching deer, LOL.  I enjoy the smell of petro while smoking a nice Cuban or spitting tobacco, sipping on some alcohol to ease my pain, while working the bay and blasting some music.  On occasion I think to myself, "I wonder if any of you are doing any good today?"  I know the risks, I accept the consequences.  Funny story, I might get a common cold once every two years, if that.  I go to my Dr. a few years back when I was suffering a flu or something and coughing terribly.  My doctor had just returned from Cuba and knew I liked Cuban cigars.  He hands me a script for something to fight the flu and a Cuban cigar?  LOL.  
atf is a self supporting by setting up people to do things they never would do and  you Mike keep talking about your poaching and laugh about it. now we are even because you have your 4th ignore me .


Quote from: rdbeard on February 24, 2020, 10:21:34 AM
now we are even because you have your 4th ignore me .

You guys are lightweights! I have 18, come play with the big boys. LOL.   :laugh: :laugh:


yea but mike was keyed on me having 4 and him only 2. right after the poaching story someone else dropped him and I did so today due to continued defence of the poaching.


Quote from: rdbeard on February 24, 2020, 12:20:15 PM
yea but mike was keyed on me having 4 and him only 2. right after the poaching story someone else dropped him and I did so today due to continued defence of the poaching.

I do not defend poaching at all, nor am I a poacher.  But I don't mind deer meat one bit.  I recently spoke to a friend of mine who is a game warden and he further explained things to me.  I actually have not ignored you or any other member of the forum.  So, you may have ticked some others off, but not me.  Don't be a hater, there are enough of those on here.  And for some strange reason, I'm now ignored by 5 members.  I'm trying to get closer to Rick's number.     :laugh:



Quote from: Steve on February 24, 2020, 08:40:01 AM
The good news is that battery technology is getting better on a seemingly daily basis. New carbon-silicon batteries can provide 2X the range of current graphite anode batteries and can fast charge to 80% capacity in just 5 minutes. There are also new lithium-sulfur (Li-S) batteries being tested that provide 4X the capacity of today's Li-ion batteries. Those are just a few examples of what's on the horizon, I have no doubt that we might see viable electric boat motors in the next ~10 years.  :o