Tag, release, recapture crab study

Started by thecameraguy, March 24, 2021, 04:28:17 PM

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Recent study indicates that recs are catching far more crabs than originally thought. The first link is to the article in Chesapeake Bay Magazine, the second link is to the actually study.



"The most noticeable differences were observed between sites in tributaries along the Western Shore of the bay, Eastern Bay, and the Miles and Wye rivers, where recreational fishing was greatest, and areas of the mainstem bay, where recreational harvest was negligible."

I'm not sure you need an expensive scientific study to realize these areas are favorites of recs..... they should have just checked here!!
It only cost twice as much to go 1st class.

Mr. Ray III

Thanks for posting.

I'm curious to see what, if anything, happens with this information.  


agreed Ray but I doubt fisheries manages will do anything, it goes against what they have always preached to comm crabbbers. I also don't think dnr will start a rec law to require reporting since they have such a hard time with what comm send them already. the only way to handle it would be to go to a 1 bu per boat limit for recs.as SOME other states do.


Quote from: rdbeard on March 25, 2021, 12:24:31 PM
agreed Ray but I doubt fisheries manages will do anything, it goes against what they have always preached to comm crabbbers. I also don't think dnr will start a rec law to require reporting since they have such a hard time with what comm send them already. the only way to handle it would be to go to a 1 bu per boat limit for recs.as SOME other states do.

HEY!! Stop that now. That's blasphemy. LOL.





Mr. Ray III

Quote from: rdbeard on March 25, 2021, 12:24:31 PM
agreed Ray but I doubt fisheries manages will do anything, it goes against what they have always preached to comm crabbbers. I also don't think dnr will start a rec law to require reporting since they have such a hard time with what comm send them already. the only way to handle it would be to go to a 1 bu per boat limit for recs.as SOME other states do.

Since this topic was started I've been wondering how I would get reduce the recreational impact...I can't say that I've been able to come up with a solid solution.  1 bushel a day?  That will bring it down but I don't think by much.  I just wonder how many people are actually able to get two baskets.  Just from witnessing myself, I doubt the majority of recs are going home with two bushels the majority of the time.  So that 1 bushel limit might stop guys from taking an extra 2-3 dozen crabs. 

But I can't say I've come up with anything better.  Maybe allow them only one day of the weekend instead of both and that day must be declared when you get your license.  Or limit gear to trotline or traps, not both.  I don't think there's an easy answer, it will be a combination of things.  But I would bet the DNR will turn a blind eye to this study and it'll just be a waste of taxpayer money.


Quote from: Mr. Ray III on March 25, 2021, 07:59:29 PM
Since this topic was started I've been wondering how I would get reduce the recreational impact...I can't say that I've been able to come up with a solid solution.  1 bushel a day?  That will bring it down but I don't think by much.  I just wonder how many people are actually able to get two baskets.  Just from witnessing myself, I doubt the majority of recs are going home with two bushels the majority of the time.  So that 1 bushel limit might stop guys from taking an extra 2-3 dozen crabs. 

But I can't say I've come up with anything better.  Maybe allow them only one day of the weekend instead of both and that day must be declared when you get your license.  Or limit gear to trotline or traps, not both.  I don't think there's an easy answer, it will be a combination of things.  But I would bet the DNR will turn a blind eye to this study and it'll just be a waste of taxpayer money.

Or we could just eliminate COMMERCIAL crabbing altogether, and keep it strictly a recreational activity, as originally intended by our creator.   ;D ;D


yes rick but us comm crabbers are the ones that supply crabs to those who don't crab and don't want to crab with a resoures from the bay. Ray you are right I know and see a good bit of recs who crab 2 to 4 days per week and why? I will retire soon from my job and could crab during the week so we could give the weekends to the recs for 1 day or the other. what a mess that would be and probabley the reason dnr won't take the study serious.


I caught two of these back in 2015. I reported it and got a $5 bill and a report that the crabs had been released one month earlier about five miles up river.



Crabbin Fever

I just love how comms always ask how to reduce the recs catch. Instead of impacting just the recreational guy, how about shutting the whole darn fishery down for a year? Just because someone pays more money to crab, that should not restrict the liberties of a rec crabber who only takes a bushel.
One in the basket is better than two in the water!


Quote from: Crabbin Fever on September 09, 2021, 09:16:16 AM
I just love how comms always ask how to reduce the recs catch. Instead of impacting just the recreational guy, how about shutting the whole darn fishery down for a year? Just because someone pays more money to crab, that should not restrict the liberties of a rec crabber who only takes a bushel.

I support shutting down the entire Chesapeake Bay crab fishery down for a year. i think it would benefit everyone. So as not to financially harm the commercial folks, they should be paid for staying home for the season. Let's say an average of the most recent three (3) years of crabbing generated gross income (supported by tax returns). In my opinion, this would be a good use of taxpayer money. DC & Annapolis are in the habit of giving away money so why not something that could potentially improve the quality of life for everyone near the bay?
It only cost twice as much to go 1st class.


i would rather see the state close the season to out of state  rec. crabbers to reduce pressure on the resource.  This has all ready been done for the oyster fishery, why not crabs.

Johnny Boy

 Have to agree that it would be a combination of regs., equipment, catch limits and days allowed to crab, however I believe it also involves a cancer our society has known as GREED. I never could understand, from reports on this site, and probably ones never posted what rec. people do with several bushels of crabs. I know some pick crab meat for winter but personally I would not eat crab meat that has been frozen for more than a month.
I crabbed when I was a youngster at our family shore property on Frog Mortor Creek off of Middle R. and caught bushels of crabs which were kept in large Live Boxes and sold to the public at $2 dz live. Never needed a license and no regulations. In fact, my youngest brother still owns the property, and caught crabs there for the first time in ten years.
Oops sorry got off topic. I now crab twice a week, once in the evening and next morning, using 20-25 Perfectionist ring traps catching 3-5 dz. to have a weekly family crab feast on Wed. night. Yes, I have an LLC. I crab the Wye and the Narrows area.
My point is you should only catch what you need even if you crab 2/3 times a week.
OK I'll get off my box now. ;D
Johnny Boy; Social Crabber


Mr. Ray III

Quote from: Crabbin Fever on September 09, 2021, 09:16:16 AM
I just love how comms always ask how to reduce the recs catch. Instead of impacting just the recreational guy, how about shutting the whole darn fishery down for a year? Just because someone pays more money to crab, that should not restrict the liberties of a rec crabber who only takes a bushel.

Give me a break!!!  You obviously don't give a [dang] what happens to anyone else but when it effects you, there's a problem.  Recs have been left alone for years.  Commercials have been dealing with regulation after regulation since the beginning of time.  And because they "pay more to crab" has nothing to do with your "liberties" as a rec crabber. 
       Commercial crabbers aren't the main problem for the decline in the crab population but they are the ONLY ones who have to take any responsibility.  Why?  Because they are the scapegoat, the easiest group to restrict.  They won't protest the restrictions with lawyers, just be mad for 4-5 months and move on. There is a bad dredge report, regulate the commercial guys.  Don't do anything about the continuous sewage spills.  Don't do anything about the toxins lurking behind the conowingo dam, don't do anything about the huge amount of rec crabbers or all the pollution from the northern states.  Nope.  Take a couple more bushels away from the watermen, that'll solve the demand from the public to do something about the low numbers. 


I'm with ya Johnny Boy. I go out when I can and catch what I think will be enough for a week or so to feed me & the pretty girl. Sometimes its a couple of dozen and sometimes I get lucky and get less than a bushel. I don't go to see how many crabs I can catch, I go just to be on the water. this year might be different as I'm moving to the Eastern Shore and will be able to get out whenever I want.
It only cost twice as much to go 1st class.


Quote from: thecameraguy on March 30, 2023, 04:02:34 PM
I'm with ya Johnny Boy. I go out when I can and catch what I think will be enough for a week or so to feed me & the pretty girl. Sometimes its a couple of dozen and sometimes I get lucky and get less than a bushel. I don't go to see how many crabs I can catch, I go just to be on the water. this year might be different as I'm moving to the Eastern Shore and will be able to get out whenever I want.
Where abouts on the Eastern Shore?
There's no place like roam!