
Blue Crabs in


Schools & Universities


Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS)

Presents the Blue Crab Education page


Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (VPI)

Presents Taxonomy of the Blue Crab


Government Agencies


Virginia Department of Game & Inland Fisheries


Virginia Marine Resources Commission (VMRC)

Recreational and Commercial Crabbing Regulations


The Bi-State Blue Crab Advisory Committee (BBCAC)

The Bi-State Blue Crab Advisory Committee meets under the auspices of the Chesapeake Bay Commission to discuss more effective approaches to Baywide blue crab management. The Advisory Committee, composed of fishery managers, agency leaders, legislators, conservationists, recreational crabbers, watermen, and crab industry representatives from Virginia and Maryland, provides a forum for discussion and action to protect the blue crab.


Chesapeake Bay Commission (CBC)

A tri-state legislative commission created in 1980 to advise the members of the General Assemblies of Maryland, Virginia, and Pennsylvania on matters of Bay-wide concern. The commission serves as the legislative arm of the multi-jurisdictional Chesapeake Bay Program and acts in an advisory capacity to their respective General Assemblies.


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